• Dinosaurs in Jurassic Park film

    Tyrannosaurus rexA massive, fearsome predator known as the T. rex, it becomes both a threat and a savior during the park’s crisis.
    VelociraptorHighly intelligent and agile predators, the Velociraptors are cunning hunters that stalk the main characters.
    TriceratopsA large, gentle herbivore with three distinctive horns, encountered sick and lying on the ground by the visitors.
    BrachiosaurusAn enormous, long-necked herbivore, it’s the first dinosaur seen by the guests, showcasing the wonder of the park.
    GallimimusSwift, ostrich-like dinosaurs that move in flocks, famously seen stampeding across the plains.
    DilophosaurusA small carnivorous dinosaur with a frilled neck and venomous spit, which it uses to immobilize its prey.
    ParasaurolophusA herbivorous dinosaur identifiable by its long, curved cranial crest, seen grazing peacefully in herds.