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    Geography – Cartography

    1. Introduction to Cartography: This article would provide an overview of cartography as the science and art of creating maps. It would outline the purpose and history of map-making, from ancient sketches in caves to the digital maps, with basic information about different types of maps and how they’re created.
    2. History of Cartography: An in-depth examination of the evolution of map-making through the centuries. It would delve into cartography as it was practiced by different cultures and civilizations, ranging from the Babylonians and Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans, and up to the modern age.
    3. Cartographic Techniques: A detailed exploration of the methods used in map creation, both traditional and modern. It would include discussions on surveying, remote sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that became widely accessible in the 1990s.
    4. Types of Maps: This article would categorize and explain the common types of maps, like topographic, thematic, political, and physical maps. Each type would be described with examples, their applications, and unique features.
    5. Map Projections: This would delve into the mathematical aspects of cartography, explaining how the three-dimensional globe is represented in two dimensions. It would discuss various projections, including the Mercator, Robinson, and Peters projections, and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
    6. Symbols and Legends: An article to explain the significance of symbols, keys, and legends on maps. It would highlight how to interpret these graphical elements to extract information.
    7. Cartographic Errors and Misconceptions: This article would discuss common errors and misconceptions in cartography, such as errors in scale or the orientation of a map. It would detail how these mistakes can affect a map’s usefulness and interpretation.
    8. Navigational Maps: A piece covering the importance and usage of navigational maps, with reference to maritime and aviation charts. It would explain the role of maps in early exploration and their modern usage in transport and navigation.
    9. GIS and Cartography: This would expound on the rise of digital cartography, with a focus on Geographic Information Systems. It would describe how these systems are used to capture, store, manipulate, and analyze geographic data to produce maps.
    10. The Future of Cartography: Finally, an intuitive forecast of the future of cartography, discussing emerging trends such as interactive mapping, satellite imagery, and internet mapping services such as Google Maps which began in the late ’90s.