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    History – Early Modern Period

    1. “Age of Discovery”: This article would likely discuss the unearthing of new routes and lands by Portuguese and Spanish explorers during the 15th and 16th centuries. Such explorations heralded a dramatic shift in global dynamics, challenging old world beliefs and sparking the beginnings of globalization.
    2. “Renaissance”: The article on the Renaissance would typically describe this epoch of cultural ‘rebirth’ occurring from the 14th to the 17th century, which started in Italy, and later spread to the rest of Europe. It would delve into the grandeur and the distinctive artistic and intellectual achievements of this period.
    3. “Scientific Revolution”: This would describe the series of events that marked the advent of modern science during the early modern period, detailing significant developments in fields such as astronomy, physics, biology, and human anatomy.
    4. “Reformation and Counter-Reformation”: Covering the religious revolution of the 16th century, this article would detail the major changes within Christianity, starting with Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, and the Catholic Church’s response and reforms.
    5. “Age of Enlightenment”: During this period, often referred to as the ‘Age of Reason’, a cultural movement of intellectuals commenced in 17th century Europe, emphasizing reason, analysis, and individualism rather than traditional lines of authority. Expect descriptions of key influencers and ideas from this era.
    6. “Witch Trials in the Early Modern Period”: This article would likely describe the widespread moral panic involving witch hunts, trials, and executions, which occurred extensively in Europe and in the American colonies between the 15th and 18th centuries.
    7. “European Colonial Empires”: Focusing on the era of the establishment, growth and eventual decline of European dominions abroad, this article would detail the expansion of European influence across continents.
    8. “Thirty Years War (1618-1648)”: As one of the most destructive conflicts in human history, this article would delve into the ramifications of this war involving numerous regions across Europe and discussions on its aftermath and the Treaty of Westphalia.