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    History – Minoan archaeological finds

    1. Palace of Knossos: Originally built around approximately 2,000 BC, this significant archaeological find is considered as Europe’s oldest city. The Palace of Knossos was a central fixture in the Minoan civilization, with its elaborate architectural design and frescoes that provide vital insights into Minoan life.
    2. Phaistos Disc: Unearthed in the Minoan palace of Phaistos in 1908, this clay disc imprinted with a spiraling sequence of 241 symbols has baffled archaeologists and linguists. Its language remains undecipherable and serves as a mysterious relic of the Minoan civilization.
    3. Akrotiri (Santorini): Although technically not in Crete, the settlement of Akrotiri, buried under a volcanic eruption around 1600 BC, was heavily influenced by Minoan culture. The excavation site reveals intricate artworks, multi-storied buildings, and an advanced drainage system.
    4. Malia Palace: Discovered in 1915, this palace offers a glimpse into Minoan royalty’s living quarters. It includes an intricate complex of rooms, courtyards, sanctuaries, and crypts.
    5. Zakros Palace: The smallest of the Minoan palaces, it was an important commercial center for trade with the Middle East. Artifacts uncovered include numerous pottery and stone vessels, sealings, and a stone libation table.
    6. “Prince of the Lilies” Fresco: Discovered at the Knossos palace, this fragment of a larger fresco depicts a youthful figure wearing a crown of lilies, providing insight into the Minoan fashion and art of their time.
    7. Hagia Triada Sarcophagus: Located at Hagia Triada, a Minoan administrative center, this extravagantly decorated, painted limestone sarcophagus features religious iconography, giving archaeologists a peek into Minoan burial practices and beliefs about the afterlife.
    8. “La Parisienneā€ Fresco: Also from the Palace of Knossos, the fresco portrays a woman with distinctive Minoan fashion and aesthetics, showcasing the civilization’s detailed and colourful art style.
    9. Kamares Ware Pottery: Named after the cave of Kamares, where the pottery was first discovered, these vibrant colored and highly stylized pieces give archaeologists insights into the Minoan’s everyday life and technological capacity.