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    History – Mycenean archaeological finds

    1. The Mask of Agamemnon: This gold funerary mask was discovered by Heinrich Schliemann at Mycenae in 1876. The mask was found over the face of a body in a burial shaft. It was named the ‘Mask of Agamemnon’ due to Schliemann’s belief that he had discovered the ancient king described in Homer’s “Iliad”.
    2. The Treasury of Atreus: Also known as the Tomb of Agamemnon, this large tholos tomb, located in Mycenae, dates back to 1350-1250 BC. Its impressive construction and grandeur provide crucial insights into the belief systems and burial customs of the Mycenaeans.
    3. Linear B Tablets: Discovered in Knossos and Pylos, these clay tablets provide the earliest form of Greek language and give crucial insights into the socio-economic life of the Mycenaean period, covering aspects of religion, administration, and economy.
    4. The Citadel of Mycenae: The archaeological ruins of the citadel, including its palace complex, granaries, and heavy fortifications, show the power and wealth of the city during the late Bronze Age.
    5. Lion Gate: The impressive entrance to the citadel of Mycenae, it’s a testament to the great architectural skill of the Mycenaean civilization. The Relief of two lionesses posing on a central pillar above the gate’s lintel is iconic to Mycenaean art.
    6. Griffin Warrior Tomb: Discovered in Pylos, this tomb revealed a rich collection of artifacts including weapons, jewelry, and the Pylos Combat Agate gem.
    7. Shaft Graves of Grave Circle A and B: The set of elite tombs in Mycenae is the archaeological context of the Mask of Agamemnon. The wealth of grave goods found indicates the elaborate burial practices and social divisions of the Mycenaean civilization.
    8. Palace of Nestor, Pylos: The well-preserved ruins of this palace offer comprehensive insights into the architectural layout and elements of a Mycenaean palace.
    9. The Mycenaeans and the Minoans: Mycenaean artifacts found on Crete, such as warrior vase, indicate the takeover of the Minoan palatial centers by the Mycenaeans in 1450BC, giving an understanding of the period’s complex sociopolitical dynamics.
    10. Dendra Panoply: This full-body bronze armor from the Dendra tombs in Argolid is a rare find that demonstrates the advanced metallurgy of the Mycenaean civilization and their approach to warfare.