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    History – Unique features of ancient civilizations

    1. Mesopotamia: Often referred to as the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia was located in the eastern Mediterranean and was home to many successive civilizations from the Neolithic period onwards. A unique feature of this civilization is the development of one of the earliest known writing systems, cuneiform script, in the 4th Millennium BC. The cities of Mesopotamia were surrounded by walls with distinct areas for administrative bureaucracies, temples and houses.
    2. Sumeria: One of the earliest urban civilizations in the world, Sumeria was located in the southern region of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians are credited with many innovations such as the invention of the wheel and the development of astronomy and mathematics. Significantly, the Sumerians are known for their complex religious beliefs and the creation of ziggurats, large stepped structures, which served as religious monuments.
    3. Babylonia: Found in the heart of Mesopotamia, the Babylonian civilization is perhaps best known for the creation of Hammurabi’s Code, one of the world’s oldest sets of laws. The Babylonians were also skilled architects and astronomers, developing advanced techniques for tracking planetary movement. The city of Babylon, the center of this ancient civilization, is legendary for its magnificence, especially its Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
    4. Mycenaean: The Mycenaean civilization flourished in Greece during the late Bronze Age. Known for their palatial states, distinctive art, and writing system known as Linear B, the Mycenaeans were heavily influenced by the Minoan civilization but still brought their unique traits. The Mycenaeans are often associated with epic tales such as those of Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey,” which speak of heroes like Agamemnon and Odysseus.
    5. Minoan: Based on the island of Crete, the Minoan civilization is known for its elaborate palaces, such as the one at Knossos, sophisticated art, advanced road systems, and evidence of early forms of plumbing. Their unique script, Linear A, continues to baffle scholars and remains undeciphered. Another distinct aspect of the Minoans was their proliferation of frescoes, which represent aspects of their daily life and belief system.
    6. Akkadian: Named after the city of Akkad, their center of power, the Akkadian civilization was the first empire in history to achieve multi-ethnicity status, encompassing various city-states across Mesopotamia. They achieved a high level of cultural sophistication, advanced in metallurgy, and contributed to cuneiform literature. The Akkadians also played a significant role in spreading Semitic languages over a wide area from the Mediterranean Sea to Iran.