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    James Rollins books

    TitleTechnology in FocusHistory in Focus
    SandstormDARPA research, antimatterLost city of Ubar, Arabian myths
    Map of BonesGenetic manipulationThe bones of the Magi, European cathedrals
    Black OrderQuantum mechanics, genetic experimentsNazi scientific experiments
    The Judas StrainViruses, microbiologyMarco Polo’s travels, ancient pathogens
    The Last OracleNeuroscience, Project StargateOracle of Delphi, Greek prophecies
    The Doomsday KeyGenetic engineering, bioterrorismCeltic rituals, the Domesday Book
    The Devil ColonyNanotechnology, mass extinction eventsNative American legends, the Book of Mormon
    BloodlineLongevity research, immortalityTemplar secrets, the line of Christ
    The Eye of GodDark energy, satellite technologyGenghis Khan, ancient biblical relics
    The 6th ExtinctionSynthetic biology, extinction-level eventsCanary Islands evolutionary history, Mass extinctions
    The Bone LabyrinthGenetic memory, hybrid human evolutionNeanderthal lineage, Saint Bernadette
    The Seventh PlagueCRISPR technology, electromagnetic pulsesEgyptian plagues, Nikola Tesla’s experiments
    The Demon CrownBiological warfare, biotoxinsAncient Hawaiian myths, Louis and Clark expedition
    CrucibleArtificial intelligence, CRISPRWitch trials, the Black Madonna
    The Last OdysseyRobotics, automated warfareHomer’s Odyssey, Tartarus myth