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    Linx Distros

    1. Debian – First released on September 15, 1993. Debian’s distinguishing feature is its commitment to a free software philosophy. It uses a packaging system which makes application installation easy. Debian also emphasizes stability and security.
    2. Slackware – Released on July 17, 1993. Slackware is one of the oldest distributions that is still maintained. The key characteristic distinguishing Slackware is its simple, text-based installation approach and vanilla desktop environments, catering to experienced users who prefer a barebones system.
    3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) – Released on March 26, 2002. RHEL is a commercial distribution, noted for its stringent testing cycles and support for enterprise-level features like multi-system management through Red Hat Satellite, and integrations with middleware, virtualization, and management tools.
    4. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) – Released on August 31, 2000. SLES is a commercial distribution that stands out for features like YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) that simplifies the system setup process, and integrations with many enterprise systems.
    5. Ubuntu – Released on October 20, 2004. Notable for its user-friendly UI and application installation via Snap packs. It has a regular 6-months release cycle and a Long-Term Support (LTS) version every two years.
    6. Fedora – Released on November 6, 2003. Fedora is community-driven and is noteworthy for its commitment to innovation and integrating new technologies. It is often a testing ground for future features of RHEL.
    7. CentOS – First released in May 2004. CentOS, which stands for Community Enterprise Operating System, is a direct build from RHEL source code. It ceased to exist in December 2020 and was replaced by CentOS Stream.
    8. Arch Linux – Released on March 11, 2002. Arch is renowned for its simplicity, minimalism, and the ability for users to custom-build their system from the ground up through the Pacman package manager.
    9. Gentoo – Released on March 31, 2002. Gentoo, like Arch, is a source-based distribution, meaning users compile all code on their machines. This gives a high level of customization to the user but requires technical skill to operate.
    10. Mint – Released on August 27, 2006. Mint is a Ubuntu-based distribution known for its user-friendliness and out of the box functionality. It provides a full multimedia experience with very less configuration.