Home -> Encyclopedia -> Tables – Astronomical entities that are not planets seen from earth
Astronomical Entity | Type | Description |
Moon | Satellite | The Earth’s only natural satellite, visible in the night sky. |
Andromeda Galaxy | Galaxy | The nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, our galaxy. It is visible as a smudge on a clear night. |
Orion Nebula | Nebula | One of the brightest nebulae, visible to the naked eye in the night sky. |
Pleiades (Seven Sisters) | Star Cluster | An open star cluster consisting of approximately 500 stars in the constellation of Taurus. |
Alpha Centauri | Star | The nearest star system and the closest planetary system to the Solar System at 4.37 light-years from the Sun. |
Comet HaleāBopp | Comet | A comet that, in 1997, became an incredibly bright and long-lasting object in the sky. It has an exceptionally large nucleus and is anticipated to return in about 2,500 years. |
Hubble’s Variable Nebula | Nebula | A small nebula known for its large changes in brightness over only a few weeks or months. |
Large Magellanic Cloud | Dwarf Galaxy | A satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, visible from Earth in the Southern Hemisphere. |
Milky Way Galaxy | Galaxy | The galaxy that contains our Solar System. Appears as a band of light in the sky on a clear night. |
Meteor Showers (like the Perseids and Leonids) | Meteor Shower | Occur when the Earth passes through streams of cosmic debris. Results in visible streaks of light in the night sky. |
S.No | Name | Type of Entity | Most Visible From | Best Viewing Time |
1 | Andromeda Galaxy | Galaxy | Northern Hemisphere | Autumn (Generally) |
2 | Triangulum Galaxy | Galaxy | Northern Hemisphere | Autumn |
3 | Orion Nebula | Nebula | Worldwide | Winter |
4 | Milky Way | Galaxy | Worldwide | Summer (Generally) |
5 | Pleiades Star Cluster | Star Cluster | Worldwide | Winter |
6 | Crab Nebula | Supernova Remnant | Northern Hemisphere | Spring |
7 | Horsehead Nebula | Dark Nebula | Northern Hemisphere | Winter |
8 | Sirius | Star | Worldwide | Winter |
9 | Alpha Centauri | Star System | Southern Hemisphere | All Year |
10 | Betelgeuse | Star | Worldwide | Winter |
11 | Vega | Star | Northern Hemisphere | Summer |
12 | Ring Nebula | Planetary Nebula | Northern Hemisphere | Summer |
13 | Large Magellanic Cloud | Dwarf Galaxy | Southern Hemisphere | All Year |
14 | Small Magellanic Cloud | Dwarf Galaxy | Southern Hemisphere | All Year |
15 | Sagittarius A* | Radio Source (Black Hole) | Southern Hemisphere | Summer |
16 | Cygnus X-1 | X-Ray Source (Black Hole) | Northern Hemisphere | Summer |
17 | Whirlpool Galaxy | Spiral Galaxy | Northern Hemisphere | Spring |
18 | Hercules Cluster (M13) | Globular Cluster | Northern Hemisphere | Summer |
19 | Antares | Star | Worldwide | Summer |
20 | Tarantula Nebula | Emission Nebula | Southern Hemisphere | All Year |