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    Composition guidelines for digital photography

    1. Rule of Thirds: The Rule of Thirds involves dividing up your image using 2 horizontal lines and 2 vertical lines. Points of interest in the scene should fall where the lines intersect. This draws the viewer’s eye into the composition, rather than just glancing at the center.
    2. Balanced Elements: Balance is about arranging the elements of a photo so that they naturally fit in a composition. It could be symmetrical, where elements on both sides of the image are mirrored, or asymmetrical, creating balance through color, size, or texture.
    3. Leading Lines: Leading lines guide the viewer’s eye through the photo, towards key areas of interest. These lines can be straight, diagonal, wavy, or any other dynamic shape.
    4. Framing: Use elements in your surroundings to frame the main subject. This helps isolate your main subject from the rest of the photo, drawing the viewer’s attention towards the subject.
    5. Perspective and Depth: By using different perspectives (e.g. low angle, high angle), you can change the perception of your scene. Using depth can also help separate the foreground from the background.
    6. Simplicity and Minimalism: Keeping compositions simple often leads to the best photographs. The viewer’s attention should not be distracted from the main focus of the image by unnecessary elements.
    7. Rule of Space: When photographing a moving subject or a person looking in a certain direction, it’s important to leave space in the direction of movement or gaze. This conveys a sense of direction and leads the viewer’s eyes naturally through the image.
    8. Color and Contrast: Use color and contrast to highlight the subject. High contrast images can be very dramatic. On the other hand, harmonious color combinations can give a calming effect.
    9. Patterns and Texture: Repeating patterns and textures can provide a strong visual interest, particularly if a pattern is suddenly, and unexpectedly, disrupted.
    10. Background: The background in a photo can either make or break the photo. When composing your photo, make sure to also consider the background, as it should support and not distract from the subject.