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    History – Main Eras in World History

    1. The Ancient World: This article provides an in-depth exploration of early civilizations from the advent of written records in Mesopotamia and Egypt, through to the great empires of Greece and Rome.
    2. Rise of the Middle Ages: In this section, there is detailed exploration of the historical period with focus on the development of Feudalism, power of Church, knights, castles, and the cultural and societal changes that defined Europe from the 5th to 15th centuries.
    3. The Renaissance: This is a comprehensive overview of the period of cultural, artistic, political, and scientific revival known as the Renaissance. It traces the birth and development of Renaissance in Italy and its spread across Europe.
    4. Age of Exploration: An article that captures the spirit and detailed narrative of the major voyages of discovery from the 15th to 17th centuries, the circumnavigation of the globe and the ensuing global interactions.
    5. Industrial Revolution: A comprehensive insight into the period of significant societal and technological advancements that originated in Great Britain and later spread to Western Europe and North America.
    6. World Wars I & II: Two major articles chronicle the history, causes, significant events, and global impacts of the two World Wars.
    7. The Cold War Era: This article offers an in-depth look at the political, economic, and social tension between the Western Bloc (United States and its allies) and the Eastern Bloc (Soviet Union and its allies) post World War II.
    8. Decolonization and Globalization: This covers the process where colonies become independent of the colonial powers, primarily occurring in the 20th century, followed by globalization.
    9. Social Movements: Covering multiple individual articles addressing major social movements that had a profound impact on the world history such as the Civil Rights Movement, Feminist Movement, and Anti-Apartheid Movement.
    10. The Fall of Communism: Discussing the political revolution in Eastern Europe, which led to the end of Soviet control over the region and the dissolution of the Soviet Union itself.
    11. Technological Progress in the 20th Century: An evolving record of the vast technological advancements and innovations which transformed societies globally, making way for the age of the future.