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    Tables – Fall of Rome

    180 CEDeath of Marcus AureliusThe death of the last of the “Five Good Emperors” marked a shift from a period of relative peace and stability to a time of military anarchy and economic instability.
    235 CEStart of the Crisis of the Third CenturyThis 50-year period saw the empire split into three competing states, frequent changes of emperors, and ongoing invasions by Germanic tribes.
    284 CEReign of DiocletianDiocletian tried to restore stability by dividing the empire into a tetrarchy of four rulers. While initially successful, his reforms laid the groundwork for further division.
    305 CEDiocletian’s ResignationDiocletian’s resignation led to a civil war over succession, distracting the rulers from external threats and further destabilizing the empire.
    312 CEConversion of ConstantineAs the first Christian emperor, Constantine’s conversion led to Christianity’s spread throughout the empire. While this had positive aspects, it also led to divisions and conflicts.
    330 CEFounding of ConstantinopleThe shift of the capital to the East and the subsequent focus on this region kicked off the slow decline of the Western Roman Empire.
    376 CECrossing of the Danube by the VisigothsThis marked the beginning of large-scale migrations and invasions into the Western Roman Empire from various Germanic tribes.
    410 CESack of Rome by the VisigothsThis shocking event showed that Rome was no longer invincible, weakening morale and undermining trust in the empire’s ability to protect its citizens.
    455 CESecond Sack of Rome, this time by the VandalsThis event further destroyed the sense of security and stability within the empire.
    476 CEDeposition of Romulus AugustulusProclaimed the last Roman Emperor in the West, his deposition by Odoacer, a Germanic king, is traditionally considered the end of the Western Roman Empire.