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    Tables – Style eras in human history

    EraTime PeriodBrief Description
    Ancient Egyptian3100 BC – 30 BCThis period is known for its grand monumental pyramids, temples, and sculpture in a style that emphasized idealization and symmetry.
    Classical Greek480 BC – 323 BCThe Greek era contributed significantly to arts, philosophy, and culture—the sculptures particularly were rendered in an idealized and balanced style.
    Hellenistic323 BC – 31 BCThis is a more diversified stage of Greek art, noted for increased realism, attention to detail, and the depiction of emotions.
    Roman500 BC – 476 ADRoman art includes architecture, painting, sculpture and mosaic work. It’s often a blend of Roman unique designs and adaptations from the earlier Greek Art.
    Byzantine330 AD – 1453 ADCharacterized by highly ornate and richly symbolic religious art with a flattened, elongated style.
    Gothic12th – 16th CenturyKnown for features like pointed arches, ribbed vaults and the use of light. Gothic art covered not only architectural design but was a broad style that embraced sculpture, painting and monument design.
    Renaissance14th – 17th CenturyReturn to classical ideals of balance and harmony. The human form was celebrated and depicted with previously unseen realism.
    Baroque17th – 18th CenturyKnown for its drama, tension, exuberance and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature and architecture.
    Rococo18th CenturyThis style is all about elegance and ornamentation, often employing asymmetry and playful forms.
    NeoclassicalLate 18th – Early 19th CenturyEmphasizing clarity, order, and symmetry; a direct response to the excesses of Baroque and Rococo.
    RomanticismLate 18th – Mid 19th CenturyCharacterized by emphasis on emotion, individualism, glorification of the past and nature.
    CubismEarly 20th CenturyAbstract style that is best known in the works of Picasso, emphasizing geometric shapes and collapsing of space.
    Art NouveauLate 19th- Early 20th CenturyStyle characterized by sinuous, asymmetrical lines, often taking inspiration from natural elements.
    Art Deco1920s – 1940sCelebrated for its modern, functional designs that incorporate simple shapes and streamlined forms.
    Postmodern1970s – PresentA diverse and eclectic style characterized by the blend of high and low culture, and use of irony and parody.