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    Timelines – Video Games

    Early Beginnings (1940 – 1950)

    The roots of video game history trace back to the scientific invention of the first digital computer, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer in 1940. The invention of computer systems brought about the concept of creating games on this new digital platform.

    Spacewar! (1962)

    The world’s first known video game, “Spacewar!,” debuted in 1962. Designed by Steve Russell, a student at MIT, the game was created on a PDP-1 mainframe computer and depicted a simple spaceship combat scenario set in the backdrop of outer space.

    Pong (1972)

    Atari’s “Pong,” a simple 2D table tennis sports game, is introduced. Pong’s enormous success in the arcades led to Atari’s Home Pong in 1975, a standalone home console that connected to TVs, which signaled the inception of the home video game market.

    Atari 2600 (1977)

    Atari released the Atari 2600, offering interchangeable game cartridges that introduced users to multiple gaming titles. This game-changing innovation allowed games to exceed the onboard memory limits of the console, giving birth to an expansive library of video game titles.

    Space Invaders (1978)

    The release of “Space Invaders” by Taito produced a new video game genre, shoot ’em up, and sparked the Golden Age of Arcade Games by its popular appeal and innovative gameplay mechanics.

    Pac-Man (1980)

    Developer Namco introduced “Pac-Man,” the first video game to achieve widespread mainstream popularity. It is often considered an icon of 1980s popular culture and a landmark in video game history due to its novel gameplay and colorful design.

    NES and Super Mario Bros (1985)

    With the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) came “Super Mario Bros,” a landmark in video game design and craftsmanship. It marked the beginning of the platformer genre and introduced memorable characters, marking Nintendo’s supremacy in the console market.

    Game Boy (1989)

    The Nintendo Game Boy redefined portable gaming and catered to a generation eager to take their games on the road. This handheld console popularized mobile gaming and introduced us to renowned titles like “Pokémon” and “The Legend of Zelda.”

    PlayStation (1994)

    Sony launched its PlayStation console, revolutionizing video gaming with its powerful 32-bit processor and focus on 3D graphics. It also popularized the use of CD-ROMs for video game distribution.

    The Age of Online Gaming and Multiplayer (Late 1990s)

    The rise of the internet led to the birth of online multiplayer gaming. Games like “EverQuest” and “World of Warcraft” introduced massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) genre, allowing thousands of players to interact in the same game world simultaneously.

    Smartphone Gaming (2007 – Present)

    The introduction of Apple’s iPhone in 2007 and Android OS led to a drastic rise in smartphone gaming. Games such as “Angry Birds” and “Candy Crush Saga” became cultural phenomena, demonstrating the potential of mobile phones as a serious gaming platform.

    Virtual Reality (2016 – Present)

    The release of Oculus Rift, a high-end VR headset followed by Playstation VR, HTC Vive, and others, marked a shift towards immersive gaming experiences, shaping the future landscape of the video game industry.