

Anthony Cortelli|Cortelli loses radio contact

Fieldwork is the fourth mission in Second Sight. It takes place in the Huvat Plateau on Timeline|21st February, 10:45 hrs.


The WinterICE squad is on the ground in Western Siberia. They are proceeding toward the United States HydroCarb|USHC pipeline station where they hope to find out more information about Professor Viktor Grienko. A few kilometres from the station, they are attacked by unknown troops.




= ''Anthony Cortelli'': "Mommy Bear, this is WinterICE requesting clearance. Over." ''Colonel Joshua Starke'': "How we doing?" ''Cortelli'': "They've hit some weather sir, we're losing contact." ''Marines|Mommy Bear'': "WinterICE, we are moving out of radio contact. Proceed as planned." ''Cortelli'': "Roger, Mommy Bear. Over and out." ''Starke'': "Okay, WinterICE - we're on our own." ''Dr John Vattic'': "What am I doing here?" ''Jayne Wilde'': "You're here to change things for the better, John." ''John'': "What things?" ''Jayne'': "That's what we've come here to find out." ''John'': "But what does it have to do with me?" ''Jayne'': "Everything, John - you're the only one who can protect us." ''John'': "From who? Grienko?" ''Jayne'': "It's not Grienko - it's what he may have created." ''John'': "What?" ''Jayne'': "We're in danger!" ''Juan Carlos 'JC' Verdes'': "Sir!" ''Starke'': "Vattic, Wilde - keep behind us!"


= ''Starke'': "Dr Patrick Ballard MD|Medic! Patch 'em up." ''John'': "Who were Russian Soldiers|those guys?" ''William Robert 'Tex' Jackson'': "Not Russian regulars - some kind of guerrilla force." ''Starke'': "Whoever they were, they know we're here. Let's keep our eyes peeled. Good work you two!" ''Jayne'': "You saved my life John. Thank you."


*In Timeline|Vattic's future, this is where Jayne Wilde died. *Failing this mission will show the "Jayne Dead" Enigma cutscene. *If Vattic attacks a member of WinterICE, the Colonel will mark him as a 'traitor' and the entire squad will fire upon John. If John dies, or he kills another member of the squad, the "Psycho" Enigma cutscene will be shown. {{Story}} Category:Missions Category:Past